QMS Software

Compliance Management

Ulysses Compliance Management

Effective management of reputation, regulations and standards

risk tracking
Workflow driven

Health & Safety

Ulysses Compliance Management enables corporate governance and management of compliance activities related to customer enquiries.  

Ulysses is a workflow driven solution that manages, detects, enforces, reports and resolves customer complaints and incidents.

Banks, building societies and regulatory services organisations are using Ulysses Compliance Management to meet regulatory requirements and deliver an enhanced customer experience.  Ulysses Compliance Management applies best practice and industry standards to customer enquiries and complaints.
Ulysses Compliance Management is also an effective database that helps indicate root causes of common complaints and identify where improvements should be made.  

Staff can remotely access and update information securely from any location or device:






Consolidated Overview

Ulysses Compliance Management provides a complete picture of all enquiries. It also has an alert feature to show upcoming deadlines and ensure that regulations are met.


Escalation Procedure


Ulysses Compliance Management tracks the progress of investigations and queries. It produces letters that must be sent to involved parties through all stages of the enquiry. Dates of all contact is recorded and responded to by your staff within the correct number of days. Escalation procedures are prompted by Ulysses when necessary and a complaint can only be closed with customer consent. Ulysses Compliance Management produces reports to demonstrate proof of compliance.



Cost effective compliance with industry regulations

Resolve queries quickly

Reduced threat to reputation

Reduced regulatory penalties risk

Improved customer service efficiency

Drive continuous improvements


Product Features

Risk Tracking

Risk Tracking

Risks can change over the course of a query, which can make tracking a crucial part of your company’s risk management process. Ulysses Compliance Management flags risks in order to determine the resources you assign to them.

Universal Search

Universal Search

The internal universal Google style search facility helps your staff to find queries quickly using keywords.



Ulysses enables you to run a number of reports quickly including compliance reports.

Integration with Telephony Systems

Integration with Telephony Systems

Ulysses Compliance Management is easily integrated with standard telephony systems. Staff can manage all call connection information and handle their business communications within Ulysses.



Ulysses Compliance Management has a reminder feature that alerts you as to when an action is due. This helps improve efficiency and communicate more effectively with customers and ensure all regulatory guidelines are met.

Other features

Other features

Ulysses Compliance Compliance Management also includes the following:

Escalation engine
Incident management
Corporate governance
Do not call
Health and safety